FYO System

  • Once that FYO picture conditioning has been completed turning the silhouette into body composition and anthropometrics, we provide a dedicated cloud-based software for easy access and management.

  • Access to the “engine on the cloud” to get results and profiles is possible after the acquisition of API licensing

  • The App governing the photo camera is freely downloadable from iOS and Android stores to assist users to obtain, save and post images having adequate interpretive quality.

  • Entirely automatic image processing requires no operator intervention or training.

  • FitYourOutfit has been developed based on an intuition consequent to decades of body composition experience and thereafter patented and published on peer-reviewed scientific papers. Unlike other body composition analyses, the results are independent of age, physical condition, and ethnicity.

  • No complementary device or accessories are required hence its cost is negligible, whilst the application enjoys unprecedented simplicity.

  • Information obtained without physical contact and/or physical presence of the subjec

  • “Before and after” silhouette comparisons and overlaying, provide unique visual information on any smallest profile variation.

  • Abdominal fat and cardio-metabolic risk index, derived by W/H (Waist to Height Ratio) are available.